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Dress Code

The Dublin High School dress code promotes safety, good hygiene, and a wholesome school environment.  Certain styles of attire, while accepted elsewhere, are not appropriate at school.  All students are expected to follow the dress code while on school grounds before, during, and after school.  The administration will make the final call of any questionable dress code issue. 
General Rules:

  • No excessively tight or oversized clothing. 
  • No outer clothing which resembles loungewear, pajamas, underwear, or blankets of any kind
  • No fads and styles, which differ extremely from conventionally accepted standards, such as pants with slogans/writings across the buttocks. 
  • All ripped or torn clothing must have leggings or other attire underneath such that skin is not showing. 
  • Avoid any clothing that is distracting because of extremes in style, fit, color, pattern, fabric, etc.
  • No exposed tattoos or clothing that include profanity, nudity, alcohol, drugs, or discriminatory, racist, or gang-related symbols or known gang affiliated colors 
  • No slides, bedroom shoes, or shoes without a back are allowed anytime while students are on campus.